Scientific publications and conference proceedings 2025
Hasanefendic, S.; Hoogstraaten, M.; Bloemendal, M.; Boon, W.; Brezet, H.; Chappin, M.M.H.; Coenen, L.M.A.; Dai, Y.; Elzinga, R.; Femenías, P.; Frishammar, J.; van der Grijp, N.; van Hal, A.; von Hauff, E.; Heller, R.; Hellsmark, H.; Hoppe, T.; Isabella, O.; Janssen, M.; Kaipainen, J.; Keviczky, T.; Khosravi, M.; Konstantinou, T.; Kwant, S.; van der Leer, J.; van der Loos, A.; Ma, Z.; May, C.; Meelen, T.; Mlecnik, E.; Moore, T.; Mosgaard, M.A.; Mousavi, S.; Negro, S.O.; Nemet, G.; Nigra, M.; Reiner, D.; van Rijnsoever, F.; Ryghaug, M.; Santbergen, R.; Sjøtun, S.G.; Skov, I.R.; Skjølsvold, T.M.; Smink, C.K.; Söderholm, P.; Tiekstra, S.; Vardon, P.J.; de Vries, G.; Wang, R.; Bossink, B. Sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations: Reviewing research, market and societal trends. Energy Research & Social Science, 122, 104018 (2025).
Odenweller, A.; Ueckerdt, F. The green hydrogen ambition and implementation gap. Nature Energy, 10, 110–123 (2025).
Odenweller, A.; Ueckerdt, F. An adjusted strategy is needed to ground green hydrogen expectations in reality. Nature Energy, 10, 19–20 (2025).
Scientific publications and conference proceedings 2024
Bhandari, D.; Selvik, J.T. Unavailability Calculation for the North Sea Energy Island Using Fault Tree and Monte Carlo Simulation. In: Kolowrocki, K.; Dabrowska, E. (eds.), Advances in Reliability, Safety and Security – ESREL 2024 Contributions. Part 1 - Accident and Incident Modelling & Uncertainty Analysis, 47 - 56 (2024).
Cincotta, C.M.L.; Thomassen, Ø. Electric vehicle ownership and political preferences in Norway. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 139, 104518 (2024).
Egeland-Eriksen, T.; Oosterkamp, A. Electricity transport vs. hydrogen production from future offshore wind farms. Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth (2024) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference - ISOPE 2024, 4353-4359 (2024).
Flessum Ringstad, I.E.; Tselika, K. Connectedness between green bonds, clean energy markets and carbon quota prices: Time and frequency dynamics. Journal of Commodity Markets, 36, 100442 (2024).
Herrera Anchustegui, I.; Tscherning, R. Offshore oil and gas infrastructure electrification and offshore wind: a legal exploration. The Journal of World Energy Law & Business, 17(1), 35–53 (2024).
Njøs, R.; Sjøtun, S.G.; Jakobsen, S.E.; Fløysand, A. (Re)Incorporating “the Tangible” in Industrial Path Development Analyses: The Role of Sociomaterial Contingencies in Explaining Potential Emergence of Hydrogen Production in Western Norway. Economic Geography, 100(5–6), 437–458 (2024).
Oosterkamp, A.; Egeland-Eriksen, T. Flow assurance of offshore hydrogen pipelines - a review. Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth (2024) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference - ISOPE 2024, 4360-4367 (2024).
Reins, L.; Nordtveit, T. Energy Law Principles or Rather a Functional Approach? European Environmental Law Review, 33, 300-308 (2024).
Shanmugaratnam, S.; Swathi, S.; Yuvakkumar, R.; Oltedal, V.M.; Ravirajan, P.; Shivatharsiny, Y.; Velauthapillai, D. MS2/TiO2 (M = Co, Sn and Ni) electrodes for electrocatalytic and photocatalytic water splitting. Fuel, 385, 134101 (2024).
Shiran, S.B.; Sadaak, B.; Solbakken, J.; Toigo, C.; Zamani, N. Impact of salt precipitation on porosity-permeability correlations: implications for CO2 storage. Fifth EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference & Exhibition (GET 2024), 1-5 (2024).
Swathi, S.; Yuvakkumar, R.; Kungumadevi, L.; Ravi, G.; Velauthapillai, D. Novel synthesis of CuHCF/B-rGO composites for oxygen evolution reaction activity. Scientific Reports, 14, 25760 (2024).
Tselika, K.; Tselika, M.; Demetriades, E. Quantifying the short-term asymmetric effects of renewable energy on the electricity merit-order curve. Energy Economics, 132, 107471 (2024).
Tukun, E.; Herrera Anchustegui, I. Collaborating in Offshore Renewable Energy Projects and Competition Law: Consortium Bids in Deep Waters. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2024, 4731093 (2024).
Ueckerdt, F.; Verpoort, P.; Anantharaman, R.; Bauer, C.; Beck, F.; Longden, T.; Roussanaly, S.N. On the cost competitiveness of blue and green hydrogen. Joule, 8, 104-128 (2024).
Verpoort, P.C.; Gast, L.; Hofmann, A.; Ueckerdt, F. Impact of global heterogeneity of renewable energy supply on heavy industrial production and green value chains. Nature Energy, 9, 491–503 (2024).
Scientific publications and conference proceedings 2023
Groth, K.; Al-Douri, A.; Buttner, W.; Dutta, K.; Giannini, L.; Hansen, P.M.; Hartmann, K.; Liu, Y.; Markert, F.; Njå, O.; Quesnel, S.; Runefors, M.; Skjold, T.; Tchouvelev, A.V.; Tzioutzios, D.; Ustolin, F.; van Wingerden, K. Overview of International Activities in Hydrogen System Safety in IEA Hydrogen TCP Task 43. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS 2023) (2023).
Himmelstrup, J.; Jensen, V.R. Enabling Molecular-Level Computational Description of Redox and Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Reactions of Samarium Diiodide. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 127, 3796-3803 (2023).
Lindstad, E.; Ask, T.Ø.; Cariou, P.; Eskeland, G.; Rialland, A.I. Wise use of renewable energy in transport. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 119, 103713 (2023).
Shanmugaratnam, S.; Ravirajan, P.; Yohi, S.; Velauthapillai, D. Well-Separated Photoinduced Charge Carriers on Hydrogen Production Using NiS2/TiO2 Nanocomposites. ACS Omega, 9, 1627-1633 (2023).
Skjølsvold, T.M.; Heidenreich, S.L.B.; Henriksen, I.M.; Vasconcellos Oliveira, R.; Dankel, D.J.; Lahuerta, J.R.; Linnerud, K.; Moe, E.; Nygaard, B.; Richter, I.G.M.; Skjærseth, J.B.; Suboticki, I.; Vasstrøm, M.L.M. Conditions for just offshore wind energy: Addressing the societal challenges of the North Sea wind industry. Energy Research & Social Science, 107, 103334 (2023).
Scientific publications and conference proceedings 2022
Helleland, C.; Iversen, F.; Halstensen, S.O. HYDROGEN POWERED VESSELS AT SEA: FUEL CELL & BATTERY UPSCALING. Proceedings of WHEC-2022, World Hydrogen Energy Conference, 1044-1047 (2022).
Tselika, K. The impact of variable renewables on the distribution of hourly electricity prices and their variability: A panel approach. Energy Economics, 113, 106194 (2022).