
Below is an overview of scientific publications per year. Visit CRISTIN for an overview of all publications.



Scientific publications and conference proceedings 2025

Hasanefendic, S.; Hoogstraaten, M.; Bloemendal, M.; Boon, W.; Brezet, H.; Chappin, M.M.H.; Coenen, L.M.A.; Dai, Y.; Elzinga, R.; Femenías, P.; Frishammar, J.; van der Grijp, N.; van Hal, A.; von Hauff, E.; Heller, R.; Hellsmark, H.; Hoppe, T.; Isabella, O.; Janssen, M.; Kaipainen, J.; Keviczky, T.; Khosravi, M.; Konstantinou, T.; Kwant, S.; van der Leer, J.; van der Loos, A.; Ma, Z.; May, C.; Meelen, T.; Mlecnik, E.; Moore, T.; Mosgaard, M.A.; Mousavi, S.; Negro, S.O.; Nemet, G.; Nigra, M.; Reiner, D.; van Rijnsoever, F.; Ryghaug, M.; Santbergen, R.; Sjøtun, S.G.; Skov, I.R.; Skjølsvold, T.M.; Smink, C.K.; Söderholm, P.; Tiekstra, S.; Vardon, P.J.; de Vries, G.; Wang, R.; Bossink, B. Sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations: Reviewing research, market and societal trends. Energy Research & Social Science122, 104018 (2025).

Odenweller, A.; Ueckerdt, F. The green hydrogen ambition and implementation gap. Nature Energy10, 110–123 (2025).

Odenweller, A.; Ueckerdt, F. An adjusted strategy is needed to ground green hydrogen expectations in reality. Nature Energy10, 19–20 (2025).

Other publications 2025


Scientific publications and conference proceedings 2024

Bhandari, D.; Selvik, J.T. Unavailability Calculation for the North Sea Energy Island Using Fault Tree and Monte Carlo Simulation. In: Kolowrocki, K.; Dabrowska, E. (eds.), Advances in Reliability, Safety and Security – ESREL 2024 Contributions. Part 1 - Accident and Incident Modelling & Uncertainty Analysis, 47 - 56 (2024).

Cincotta, C.M.L.; Thomassen, Ø. Electric vehicle ownership and political preferences in Norway. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment139, 104518 (2024).

Egeland-Eriksen, T.; Oosterkamp, A. Electricity transport vs. hydrogen production from future offshore wind farmsProceedings of the Thirty-fourth (2024) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference - ISOPE 2024, 4353-4359 (2024).

Flessum Ringstad, I.E.; Tselika, K. Connectedness between green bonds, clean energy markets and carbon quota prices: Time and frequency dynamics. Journal of Commodity Markets36, 100442 (2024).

Herrera Anchustegui, I.; Tscherning, R. Offshore oil and gas infrastructure electrification and offshore wind: a legal explorationThe Journal of World Energy Law & Business17(1), 35–53 (2024).

Njøs, R.; Sjøtun, S.G.; Jakobsen, S.E.; Fløysand, A. (Re)Incorporating “the Tangible” in Industrial Path Development Analyses: The Role of Sociomaterial Contingencies in Explaining Potential Emergence of Hydrogen Production in Western Norway. Economic Geography100(5–6), 437–458 (2024).

Oosterkamp, A.; Egeland-Eriksen, T. Flow assurance of offshore hydrogen pipelines - a reviewProceedings of the Thirty-fourth (2024) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference - ISOPE 2024, 4360-4367 (2024).

Reins, L.; Nordtveit, T. Energy Law Principles or Rather a Functional Approach? European Environmental Law Review33, 300-308 (2024).

Shanmugaratnam, S.; Swathi, S.; Yuvakkumar, R.; Oltedal, V.M.; Ravirajan, P.; Shivatharsiny, Y.; Velauthapillai, D. MS2/TiO2 (M = Co, Sn and Ni) electrodes for electrocatalytic and photocatalytic water splitting. Fuel, 385, 134101 (2024).

Shiran, S.B.; Sadaak, B.; Solbakken, J.; Toigo, C.; Zamani, N. Impact of salt precipitation on porosity-permeability correlations: implications for CO2 storage. Fifth EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference & Exhibition (GET 2024), 1-5 (2024).

Swathi, S.; Yuvakkumar, R.; Kungumadevi, L.; Ravi, G.; Velauthapillai, D. Novel synthesis of CuHCF/B-rGO composites for oxygen evolution reaction activity. Scientific Reports, 14, 25760 (2024).

Tselika, K.; Tselika, M.; Demetriades, E. Quantifying the short-term asymmetric effects of renewable energy on the electricity merit-order curve. Energy Economics132, 107471 (2024).

Tukun, E.; Herrera Anchustegui, I. Collaborating in Offshore Renewable Energy Projects and Competition Law: Consortium Bids in Deep Waters. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2024, 4731093 (2024).

Ueckerdt, F.; Verpoort, P.; Anantharaman, R.; Bauer, C.; Beck, F.; Longden, T.; Roussanaly, S.N. On the cost competitiveness of blue and green hydrogen. Joule8, 104-128 (2024).

Verpoort, P.C.; Gast, L.; Hofmann, A.; Ueckerdt, F. Impact of global heterogeneity of renewable energy supply on heavy industrial production and green value chainsNature Energy9, 491–503 (2024).

Other publications 2024



Scientific publications and conference proceedings 2023

Groth, K.; Al-Douri, A.; Buttner, W.; Dutta, K.; Giannini, L.; Hansen, P.M.; Hartmann, K.; Liu, Y.; Markert, F.; Njå, O.; Quesnel, S.; Runefors, M.; Skjold, T.; Tchouvelev, A.V.; Tzioutzios, D.; Ustolin, F.; van Wingerden, K. Overview of International Activities in Hydrogen System Safety in IEA Hydrogen TCP Task 43Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS 2023) (2023).

Himmelstrup, J.; Jensen, V.R. Enabling Molecular-Level Computational Description of Redox and Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Reactions of Samarium Diiodide. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 127, 3796-3803 (2023).

Lindstad, E.; Ask, T.Ø.; Cariou, P.; Eskeland, G.; Rialland, A.I. Wise use of renewable energy in transport. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment119, 103713 (2023).

Shanmugaratnam, S.; Ravirajan, P.; Yohi, S.; Velauthapillai, D. Well-Separated Photoinduced Charge Carriers on Hydrogen Production Using NiS2/TiO2 Nanocomposites. ACS Omega9, 1627-1633 (2023).

Skjølsvold, T.M.; Heidenreich, S.L.B.; Henriksen, I.M.; Vasconcellos Oliveira, R.; Dankel, D.J.; Lahuerta, J.R.; Linnerud, K.; Moe, E.; Nygaard, B.; Richter, I.G.M.; Skjærseth, J.B.; Suboticki, I.; Vasstrøm, M.L.M. Conditions for just offshore wind energy: Addressing the societal challenges of the North Sea wind industry. Energy Research & Social Science107, 103334 (2023).

Other publications 2023


Scientific publications and conference proceedings 2022

Helleland, C.; Iversen, F.; Halstensen, S.O. HYDROGEN POWERED VESSELS AT SEA: FUEL CELL & BATTERY UPSCALINGProceedings of WHEC-2022, World Hydrogen Energy Conference, 1044-1047 (2022).

Tselika, K. The impact of variable renewables on the distribution of hourly electricity prices and their variability: A panel approachEnergy Economics113, 106194 (2022).

Other publications 2022